# Transaction Query

# Request address

Environment address
Test Environment
formal environment https://api.supefina.net/api/supefina/transactions/search-status

# Submission Method

submit by POST

# Request parameters


**Variable name ** sample value
Content-Type application/json


**Field name ** **variable name ** **required ** **type ** **description ** sample value
Merchant number merId Yes String

country number countryId yes String

merchant order number merOrderNo yes String

signature sign yes String

random string nonceStr yes String The length of the random string cannot exceed 32.

# Response

**Field name ** **variable name ** **type ** **description ** sample value
Response encoding code String

response Information msg String

response Data data

transaction Status transactionStatus String

- 00: pre-order
- 01: The transaction is successful.
- 02: transaction failed
- 03: Payment rejection
- 04: failed to place an order